250g knife jigs 10 pack


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  • A bloodshot eye
  • A lumo belly
  • Prismatic sides
  • A strong heatshrinked cord and hook.
  • Includes ten jigs
  • Each jig weighs 250 grams
  • Available in 5 colours
  • 10 knife jigs included
  • Delivery included in Australia
  • Assorted colours: Blue, Silver, Pink, Green, Yellow/Blue

Collections: All products, Home page, Jigs

Category: jigs, lures

Type: Jigs

Here's a great video on how to jig:

The Downrigger Shop 250 gram knife jig

Jigging is a deadly method for targeting gamefish like albacore, samson fish, giant trevally and of course, kingfish.

But it’s not just for deepwater, we have clients who jig solid kings inside Sydney Harbour, in only fifteen metres of water. As with most of our products we buy knife jigs from a huge factory overseas, who manufacture for big American tackle companies. When bought in bulk without branding, the savings are substantial and we pass those on to our clients. Our 250g knife jigs are available in a package of 10 (5 different colours) for $90 including delivery. Cheque, credit card, EFT payment all okay.

They have:

  • A bloodshot eye
  • A lumo belly
  • Prismatic sides
  • A strong heatshrinked cord and hook.

The Downrigger Shop's 250 gram knife jigs colour range

Downriggershop clients have sent in some great pics and stories of the big fish they’ve caught on our knife jigs. Check this out:

Dave caught this beautiful Kingfish jigging

Hey Andy

went out Friday with Ambition and some of the SA boys, short fat jigs were working on the albies but not for me. I caught one on the cube then eventually got to your jig which was not what I was expecting to work, for tuna.

I'm a bit of a gambler so I let it out about 250-270m and left it there for a minute - I was buggered. Felt something hit it a couple of times so began jigging it up, on the third lift I get a hookup. It fought the same as my previous tuna however in a rush I had tied a questionable knot. The fish popped me off needless to say I'm after some more jigs... are you available to meet me at Wahroonga on Thursday? The pics are on Ivan's recent report, feel free to use the pic of my fish if u like You been offshore lately?


Predatory fish love knife jigs as they imitate injured prey in the water

The predatory Kingfish hits 250 gram jigs hard and fast

To order, simply call us or send us an e-mail or click add to cart at top of page?

Even Flathead will attack knife jigs when they are over 15 metres from the bottom

Big fish love our jigs. Here’s what clients say about them, in online fishing forums:

I bought a stack of Saltiga jigs a few years ago at $30 a pop, only to have Andy's downrigger shop jigs outfish them every time. I've also had far better results on tuna from jig size and weight rather than anything else. I suppose there will be other opinions, but I stopped buying the expensive shiny ones a while ago.


From what I understand a lot of the cheaper ones are copies of the more expensive jigs anyway.What is it, a lump of lead shaped to be the same with a paint job.

The down rigger shop describes the attributes of their jigs as having the right ingredients of a lumo belly, red eye and weight distribution. And they come in a selection of colours. When leather jacket take their share, I know I'd rather it a less expensive one.


I agree with Dan. I wouldnt think about buying the expensive jigs anymore they don't outperform cheaper jigs and only burn a hole in your wallet. We have been catching a stack of fish on the downriggershop jigs in 170m of water and on the 100m reefs. $ for $ there is no comparison.


If you,re just starting out one of his jigging outfits, rod and reel and some of his jigs would be a good way to go. His jigs are great and at 240gm about ideal for Sydney kings on those reefs, and at $70 for 10 you wont break the bank if the Leatherjackets are about. Best way to get an idea of the whole caper is probably to try and score a ride with one of the keen jiggers on the site or to take a charter.


Started off with 5 of us today at Terrigal. 1 got sick and 20 minutes later was brought back to shore. Bummer. 4 of us troopered on. Managed 4 yakkas on the one live bait jig. Total 12ish or so to head out wide for some Jigging and live baiting.

2nd drop of DOWN RIGGER SHOPS (thanks Andy) Pink/Blue 250G Jig and Im onto a nice 73cms King. Sweet. This lure did all the damage for me today.


After trying some different spots and nothing much on the sounder. Sean says those magic words ---- “time to try one of Andy’s jigs” now at this time I was fishing live yakkas and Scott was fishing live squid. So Sean changes to Andy’s jig and then ------- 115cm 12kg yep the kingy went for the Jig over the live squid and yakka.

115cm 12kg Kingfish brought in on 250 gram jigs


Andys "Red Rocket" as I have now named it did the damage. First called for a smallish king and putting up a respectable fight the fish was raised, at the side of the boat the net was called. Swoffa almost cried tears of either frustration or disbelief or a combo of both. Andy your jigs can Catch anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This was a First for me!!! (250g knife jigs)


If ya going out, get a heap of Andy's jigs as they are cheap and work great as you can see from my success & plenty of spare line and prey to the fishing gods as its hard out there off sydney and also down the coast from what ive heard.. the 73cm king weighed 4kg and the skinny 83cm 5kg ..


Plenty of triple and quadruple hook ups, and even managed to have everyone, skipper included hooked up and landing fish at the one time... Not sure what you'd call it though there was 5 of us on board.

They werent touching the livies that we had down, which was a bummer because we had a tank full of them. But they were loving the jigs. All were caught on Andy's jigs.


Here’s some pics and reports sent in by Downrigger Shop jig clients:

jigging Kingfish in a heavy current

Went out on Monday for a bit of a jig; managed 4 nice kingfish, all in the 75-80cm bracket. The two photos here were from a double hook-up, great fun. The knife jigs continue to perform!

Headed up north and dropped the anchor in 90m. Managed a few snapper, mowies and a couple of pig fish, but the current was absolutely raging downhill. With the water temps still holding over 20 degs I think it's going to be a very interesting summer, I recorded 27.5 degs last summer, I can only wonder what we'll see this year.

Hooking Kingfish on a pink 250 gram jig in a heavy current

Good on you Sean, two beauties there and glad to hear our jigs are working so well for you.

Andrew L fished the deep reefs in difficult weather conditions, for kingfish:

Andrew getting Kingfish at Coffs Harbour on jigs

Andrew writes:

Called off bottom bashing and had to work really hard on the jigs to get Raf onto his first legal king. At just over 90cm he was happy! Caught on the jigs I picked up from you on Thursday. Very impressed they are great quality and at that price absolutely unbeatable. Fortunately we didnt lose one yesterday! No jackets!

Swoffa went to Coffs Harbour in October 2011:

We picked up a few small fish on livies and got completely destroyed a few times on jigs, including an absolute horse of a fish that popped my braid right next to the boat.

Interestingly, the only jigs that worked were Andy's Downrigger Shop ones in purple, we tried a stack of expensive brands before Vince tried the purple one and got annihilated on about his 3rd drop, we then proceeded to lose a few more purple jigs over the next couple of hours.

Swoffa getting enormous Kingies on jigs

WOW! I wrote to Swoffa, on Sydney Angler Forums:

You blokes are AMAZING. I fished the same spot a couple of months ago on the local expert's boat, all we scored was a few pinkies. Well done lads what a fantastic result and glad to see the jigs worked for you, too. Cheers, Andy

He wrote back:

Andy - it was amazing that Vince and I persisted with all the expensive jigs for the first day and when we finally switched to your purple ones the results almost instant. We got more hits and a much better class of fish. I'll check my stocks but I think I might need to drop by and grab some more before the next trip.

An incredible result and sincere congratulations to you and Vince, Andrew. On the topic of our knife jigs, which funnily enough is one I never tire of, Allen G scored a mega kingie on the green model, while fishing out of Tairua:

Massive Kingfish caught on green 250 gram knife jig off Tairua

I can only imagine the power of that monster, Allen! Here’s a report of a trip in October 2011 to Port Stephens:

As we pulled up on our first mark in 165 metres the sea glassed out, to an oily blanket swell. Down went the jigs, and we were straight into a triple hookup:

The triple hookup Kingfish on purple 250 gram jig

Triple hookup Kingfish on the white 250 gram jig

The final Kingie in the triple hookup on the green 250 gram knife jig

But as quite often happens at this spot, by 10.00AM the fish were backing off, in both numbers and enthusiasm. It didn’t help that there was hardly any northerly current, in fact it was slightly from the south. With some nice fish ready to go into the ice slurry we weren’t too worried:

4 Kingfish from a great day on the water jigging

Great Kingfish specimen caught on 250 gram white knife jig

To close, here’s my personal best kingfish, on our jigs:

Andy with a Kingfish close to his PB on a Blue 250 gram jig



I am going to send you some photos of kings that have been caught off Sydney on your jigs.

Tim jigging Kingfish of Sydney with Downrigger Shop tackle

Tim C, June 2012

Hi Andrew,

Thanks for putting the order through today for the jigs. Last trip to Bermagui your jigs worked dynamite on the kings we even outfished the pro jiggers one day. Had some FC Labo jigs on board also with 3 boys jigging 2 with your jigs and the kingy preference was the DRS jigs. Everything ate your jigs including some large arrow squid a surprise for all. Mowies, nannygai and couta.

Dave R, September 2012

The DR shop jigs really produced today with myself and Mark using them for the majority of the trip. White sided jigs fished well early, but as the day went on they scoffed all colours. All in all a fantastic trip with great guys to an amazing fishery.

Dave with Kingfish dinner perfect day on the water

mine taken on a DRS green & gold

Thanks again for the jigs – I think Ivan’s going to hit you up for some in the next few days. I used to buy $30 and $40 big brand jigs, but the DRS jigs, I believe, outfished the big brand badboys. Get up there mate - The Kings are on the March. Cheers, Dan

This Kingfish was already hooked on a 100 gram jig when he went for the 250 gram jig aswell!

this greedy bugger hit a DRS jig right on the bottom and found the reef. He then turned around and took another jig and was landed with both in his gob!

(Right. So he took one of our jigs first, and someone else’s brand second? It all fits.)

Dan W, September 2012

I received the 10 knife jigs heaps rapped with the quality and the value for money have showed them to 6 other fisherman so far and they were very impressed you can expect some more orders soon

Dean P, September 2012

Sean back jigging Kingfish after no luck on Bar Cod

Sean M, September 2012

Even Snapper are having a go at Downrigger Shop jigs

We headed out yesterday on another picture perfect day off Ballina. The whales were jumping with joy and the fish were on the chew in the afternoon. We fished the 42 fathom line late in the afternoon. Bob was using a octo jig and Sean was using live bait. We were all catching fish but the jig - Downrigger shop, was out fishing everyone else 2 to 1. My jig has a few battle scars on it now.

Marc with another Kingfish out on the water jigging

 Marc S, August 2012

Mark's results combining 50lb line and knife jigs

Are you around this week for a re stock of jigs, 50lb and maybe a new rod?

Mark H, June 2012

Hi Andy, had another good day out off North Texas. Had a collection of Jigs used and I noticed that your jigs were quicker getting down and seemed to get more hits, no real standout in colour though this time. Lost a few to the jackets so I will probably need to order another lot soon.  Links to forum posts & pics.



The boys all getting a Kingfish each on a good day out jigging

Andy, bang for buck I can't fault your jigs. Had some cheap & expensive ones to compare them to and they hold their own and then some.

Craig's kingfish haul on Downrigger Shop 250 gram knife jigs will be dinner for weeks

Jig colour was not as important this time as getting on the fish. Very small patch of kings then the jackets took over. The only colour that didn't work well was orange/silver.

Craig B, August 2012

Peter with a big Baracouta caught on jigs

Hi Andy, sorry you could not make it out with us.  We hit the 12 mile for some leather jackets.  Ed collected this Barracouta.  It was 106cm that we sent back to chase another jig.  It took one of your green jigs.

Peter G, August 2012

Catching Kingfish at North Texas on knife jigs

Hi Mate, had a good day out on Sunday and bagged out on Kings at North Texas. Last drop of the day I landed a 101cm at 9kg. Fav Jig of the day was one of yours in straight silver, the other fav was a redhead/silver. I've recommended your jigs to some mates so you might get some more orders.

Another Kingfish caught jigging by Craig at North Texas

Craig B, July 2012

Then out to the Block n Cheese, with a nice king first drop on one of your Jigs (pink), followed by Steve’s 1 metre long (just) Kingfish two drifts later…..

David loving the Pink and Green knife jigs on Kingfish

David C, April 2012

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